RINVOQ Resources

The following resources have been compiled to help you find support in managing your ankylosing spondylitis (AS). We hope you find them useful.

Treatment Information

Useful information about your RINVOQ® treatment

Starting your treatment journey with RINVOQ

RINVOQ® Patient Booklet

Download now
Consumer Medicine Information

Consumer Medicine Information

Download now

Wellness Factsheets

These downloadable factsheets offer useful information on various health topics related to your condition.

Dealing with Stress

Dealing with Stress

Increased stress levels may have a negative impact on your symptoms, or even trigger flare ups. Find ways to relieve and manage stress.

Get tips here
Steps to Quit Smoking

Steps to Quit Smoking

Stopping smoking is one of the best choices you can make for your health. Start the journey today.

Take the first step


Practising mindfulness is all about getting your senses involved, being focused, aware, and in the present. It could boost your psychological wellbeing.

Learn more
Setting Goals

Setting Goals

Having clear goals to work towards over your treatment journey can help set you up for sucess.

Learn about goalsetting
Fatigue and Sleep

Fatigue and Sleep

With a chronic condition such as yours, fighting fatigue can be a challenge. Getting a good night’s sleep is very important.

Get a better sleep
Fatigue and Sleep

Managing Pain

Pain can be a symptom of AS that is difficult to manage. Find ways to complement your medication.

Get help here


Staying active with AS may be difficult, but regular stretching and low-intensity exercises can help with your symptoms.

See these ideas
A Healthy Diet

A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can help you with weight loss, essential nutrients, staying hydrated, and reducing inflammation.

Find out more
Communicating and Getting Support

Communicating and Getting Support

There’s a whole range of different support options available, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Try these options

Podcast Series

Me First. My Condition Second.

This podcast series focusses on people first, their condition second. We meet people living with chronic inflammatory conditions and learn from their experiences. And we get valuable tips from experts. Our aim is to give you some tools to help with living with a chronic condition.


Fatigue has a big impact on the lives of many people with chronic inflammatory conditions. Listen to registered nurse Fiona and psoriatic arthritis patient Anne-Maree, as they discuss the effects of fatigue and what steps she has taken.


Pain has a habit of robbing you of sleep when you have a chronic inflammatory condition like arthritis. David and Anne-Maree, who both live with different conditions, talk about how this affects them and what steps they’ve taken to help improve their sleep.

Pain and Mobility

Living with a chronic inflammatory condition involves learning to live an active life even when pain tries to stop you. Anne-Maree describes what makes her pain worse, and shares techniques she’s learned to help control it.


David and Anne-Maree find that having a chronic inflammatory condition is very stressful at times. They’ve both developed strategies to help them cope. Listen as they discuss their experiences with Fiona, a healthcare professional.

Online Resources for Ankylosing Spondylitis

The following external resources provide additional support and information for people living with ankylosing spondylitis. They are intended and provided specifically for New Zealand and New Zealanders.

Arthritis New Zealand

Arthritis New Zealand

A national voluntary organisation which represents the interests of those with arthritis. It contains information on the condition and its treatment.

Health Navigator New Zealand

Health Navigator New Zealand

The Health Navigator website provides one place for New Zealanders to find reliable and trustworthy health information and self-care resources. It focuses on promoting clear, consistent messages that enable users to get the information they need at the time they need it.

New Zealand Rheumatology Association

New Zealand Rheumatology Association

The New Zealand Rheumatology Association (NZRA) is the organisation that represents the rheumatologists of New Zealand. You can use this resource to find a rheumatologist near you.


NZ-RNQ-220012. ABB2373. Date prepared October 2022.